Fast forward 20 years and there I was...not going to church on Easter, the most important Christian holiday ever. Sleeping in on Easter. HAVING SEX ON EASTER. I'm pretty sure that's some kind of sin somewhere in the bible. So Jesus is all "Dudes, I'm rising. Check out my tomb. What? It's empty? Holla!" and I'm all *snore*.
Of course, I totally lied to my parents and told them we went to church. Because I totally was going to and intention is like, almost as good as actually doing something. So Saturday night I was all "I don't want to go to church" and Captain Carl was all "Fine by me" because Captain Carl is a heathen who doesn't believe in Jesus. Oh, he does believe in a higher power of some kind but he can't wrap his brain around the Jesus thing, I guess. Whatever. I'll wave at him down there in hell when I go to heaven. *pious face* My point is that I had no one to talk me out of talking myself out of going to church. So basically it was totally not my fault that I didn't go.
And then my parents called and were all "Happy Easter!" and I was all "Yeah, happy Easblah..." and then I was all "What did you do today?" and they were all "Oh we went to church with your older, better sister and she sang in the choir for THREE services so she got saved like, 3x more than you did probably. What did you do?" and I was all "Oh you know, stuff and eating and easter stuff mumble mumble."
Oh well. The Easter Bunny still managed to find our house, despite our being fresh out of moral compasses.

No, he did not wear the ears in bed.
Yes, I kind of wish he had.
I think Jesus understands. You know he was texting Mary Magdalene from the cross saying "Dun worry babe, brb in 3 days. K thx, xoxoxo"
Let the sister be more saved than you. You're probably more saved than I am (but not by much...)
Remember, if you're not sinning, Jesus died for nothing.
Yeah. Same here. Raised the same way, and always hated those people that ONLY came to Church on "Church Holidays". So now I REFUSE to become one of those people and so we skipped Christmas AND Easter.
F says we are going to start going again. And then he slept in on Sunday.
I grew up going to mass every sunday, and now haven't been in yearss except for the occasional wedding or funeral.
I'm with you. Didn't feel like dealing with a Two year old doing Dinosaur sound while praying (we just went to a mass for a Baptism. Yes, he totally did).
So I was actually doing a public Service so every one else could enjoy the mass.
My Mom stopped asking years ago. The mother-in-law still gets on the wife about it. I think she's a disappointment vampire.
I think Jesus wants us to have sex on Easter. Isn't that the whole "rise again" thing?
I've been trying to convince the 7yr old that Jesus is a zombie because he came back from the dead, but he's not having it. Goddamn Catholic school!
...From the erection to the ressurection eh?
We pagans roll our eggs down the hill, then roll each other around in the nearest hay loft..Now that's the way to celebrate Oestre!
I don't think the people who sleep in all year and ONLY go to church on Easter are going to be any more saved just because of an effort they made for ONE DAY! LOL
Oh. My. Gawd! That pic of Captain Carl is priceless.
xo jj
We conceived our twins just before we left for Good Friday service. Day of
Abstinence. Whatevs.
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That's cool, girl. Jesus will ask you, as He'll ask me, whether you wanna follow Him at your General Judgment. I'm gonna respond in the affirmative with a great, #@!! BIG-OL 'YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!' Why? Looky here. This’ll help immensely on your journey Upstairs: Q: Why should you love our exploded plethora of produce which’ll plant the seeds for YOU to grow to great heights?? PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK:
A: Greetings, earthling. Not sure if we're on the same page if you saw what I saw. Because I was an actual NDE on the outskirts of the Great Beyond at 15 yet wasn’t allowed in, lemme share with you what I actually know Seventh-Heaven’s Big-Bang’s gonna be like for us if ya believe/accept: meet this ultra-bombastic, ex-mortal-Upstairs for the most blatantly deluxe, incredibly incomprehensible, catch-22-excitotoxins, myriads of cogently-ironic-metaphors, guhroovaliciousnessly-delicious-endorphin-rush, pleasure-beyond-measure, Ultra-Firepower-Idyllic-Addiction in the Great Beyond for a BIG-ol, kick-ass, party-hardy, robust-N-risqué, eternal-real-McCoy-warp-drive you DO NOT wanna miss the sink-your-teeth-in-the-rrrock’nNsmmmokin’-hot-deal: PLEASE KEEP HANDS/FEET INSIDE THE RIDE UNTIL WE MADE A CIRCUMFERENCE OF the OUTSTANDING, NEVER-ENDING, THRILLIONTH-RED-MARKER-POSSIBILITIES …with eXtra eXciting eXtroverts doing the most vivid, brazen congrewnts: flawless as pearls from the Toyster Upstairs!!! Gain altitude, not attitude, and take front-row-seats, miss gorgeous, as the inexhaustible, irresistible intimacy shall blow-your-fragile-mind to peaces. Meet me Upstairs. Do that for us. Cya soon, girl…
PS “It is impossible that anyone should NOT receive all that they have believed and hoped to obtain; it gives Me great pleasure when they hope great things from Me and I will always give them more than they expect”
-Our Lord to Saint Gertrude
Don't worry if you see the same lines again when you reopen the app. The child must pick one of four pictures to fill the spot -- in this case, the correct answer is the adult chicken.
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