Friday, September 4, 2009

We Have So Much In Common, We're Practically Twins

Last weekend Betsey and her husband traveled to my area of the country to see Depeche Mode in concert. I've been stalking Betsey's blog for a long time now, even though she was all "I found your blog first" last week and I was all "Ummm, no I found yours first" and she was all "Oh yeah" and I was all "In your face! Uh uh uh uh uh!" and she was all "Huh?" and I was all "I forgot we were texting...that was me doing pelvic thrusts" and she was all "Okay soooo, I gotta go" and I was all "Relax! They were victory pelvic thrusts!".

So she had the balls to tell me in the spring that they were coming down in August and I was all excited and clappy but figured she'd forget about me when the day got closer. But she didn't...she emailed about two weeks ago and we made plans to meet up for lunch.

On Saturday the Captain and I met up with Betsey and her Mister at a mexican restaurant that turned out to be the place where the frozen margarita machine was invented. I don't know if that is true, but I do know that they make a kick ass sangria swirl frozen margarita, so whatevs. The Captain and I drank a lot and were pretty much completely in the bag after two hours of eating and talking. I'm sure we came across as super intelligent and great conversationalists. Especially after I spit a chip halfway across the table and then said something like "I told Emo to stop putting the pussy up on a pedestal". Classy, right?

Luckily we had cameras along to document the event. And even luckier, I have photoshop. Because Captain Carl took these pictures and they were a hot tranny mess in their original condition. That man has no photography skills...let's just leave it at that. So I figured as long as I was fixing them, I'd do a little work to make Betsey and me seem a little less, ummm....sloshed. Did it work?

But if I'm going to be honest here, we spent most of our lunch doing this....

No, we are not sneezing. We are laughing. I love having friends I can laugh like this with, especially if we are laughing at Captain Carl and his inability to take a good picture.

So even though Betsey and I look nothing alike and we live in different states and lead very different lives, we actually have quite a lot in common.

Our hair, for instance....

We both have perfect homes and families.

We both have super important and serious blogs.

We both have amazing taste in music.

Isn't it great to meet people and really hit it off and then on top of that, you have so much in common and you are amazed that out of all the people on this planet, you somehow met each other?

I mean, what are the odds, people???


Kim said...

I didn't expect you guys to be "tee-hee" kind of laughers. I thought there would be full-out, mouth open guffaws. Is it weird meeting in real life? I'm worried people will be taken aback by my big boil and lobster hands.

miss. chief said...

wow. you are practically twinsies.

in that one picture i was like "wow they're sneezing at the same time" and then you said "we are not sneezing" and it was like you read my mind

Steam Me Up, Kid said...

For real right now, I'm jealous that I'm not in your diarrhea club. For real!! Isn't that silly!!?

Miss Yvonne said...

Kim: I'm usually a full-out, mouth open guffaw laugher but for some reason I was all dainty and tee-hee laughing that day. I did snort a lot though.

miss.chief: I totally DID read your mind. In the future. Woooohhoooo, scary!

Steamy: That is not silly at all. I would totally be jealous if I wasn't already in the diarrhea club. You can fix that really easy though...have a few burritos and maybe some prunes and then take a drive and see what happens.

Tots said...

I am so jealous. I wanted to have diarrhea in a bathroom... WHY MUST MY FECES BE NORMAL???

Uh, I mean, we should totally do lunch!

Little Ms Blogger said...

How fun and it's great to put a face to the gas station bathroom chick.

Green-Eyed Momster said...

How cool! You two look like you had lots of fun! You should get a Depeche Mode CD, Miss Yvonne. You won't regret it!

Hope to meet you IRL one of these days too!


Mrs. Booms said...

Well we full on guffawed too, but the camera was out and our tonsils are shy.

Seriously though, it was like we had known each other forever and the only thing that was awkward was the waiter hearing weird things,dropping plates and pretty much the expression on everyone's face around us.

Oh and the bags of water sans goldfish hanging over our heads.

Steam Me Up, Kid said...

No, I was unclear. I don't need prunes. I'm IN a diarrhea club already. I just would rather be in YOURS.

Lindsey said...

You forgot to mention that you both have big jugs!

Joanna Jenkins said...

You too look so cute and happy together! I'm glad you remembered a camera!

Joanna Jenkins said...

You too look so cute and happy together! I'm glad you remembered a camera!

Candice said...

I can see the twin resemblance for sure.

Y'all are both also extrememly flat chested. You left that one out.

erin said...

Yep, at first I thought you were sneezing, then I thought you both smelled something horrific and THEN I realized you were laughing.

It seems like there are no bloggers in my general area...
Or at least they changed their profiles to make it look like they live further away as soon as they realized they live near me...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you found your ultimate soul mate on a blog!!!!! I have IBS and get diarrhea all of the time. I want to be in the club too!

PLUS, I got totally sloshed at a Depeche Mode concert once.

justmakingourway said...

I love when you get to meet IRL. That is some cool shit - especially when you were so obviously separated at birth!

You must get some Depeche Mode, woman!

My WV is "orefic" which sounds like some major kind of diarrhea to me.

diane said...

You forgot to mention that you are boob twins, couldn't help noticing because apparently I'm 12.

Soda and Candy said...

I knew those were pelvic thrusts, but then I smile and nod on the phone, so...

: )

PS - You guys are really cute! Another thing you have in common.

Anonymous said...

I love the things you have in common. One time I clogged up a gas station bathroom and had to run away. Can I join the club?

Vic said...

Is there a club for the "natural blond highlights" instead? I could join that.

Because I'm picturing the meetings at the diarrhea club, and there's definitely going to be a line for the bathroom.

Looks like you had a great time! :)

forcryeye said...

Gas station bathroom as well, but most recently McDonald's bathroom for me. said...

Aw... you get to have all the fun! I wasn't seeing the resemblance and first, but now you point it out to me it's obvious you were separated at birth.